1.ACAI BERRY- the fastest way to lose weight! 100% natural!


Acai (read asají) is a delicious Brazil berry fruit of dark-lila colour, with its taste and smell it resembles chocolate and forest fruit. Açai is a true gift from Mother Nature that is growing in Amazon rain forest. It has supple specific taste and high nutrition values. Acai addresses sportsmen and other healthy living people all around the world. It contains one of the most antioxidants from all known types of fruits, lots of glycoprotein, proteins, dietary fibre and essential fatty acids Omega 6, 9. Acai is considered one of the most healthy foods in our planet.



Acai was first used by the aboriginal tribes of Amazon jungle as energetic stirrer for hunting and as source of sexual energy. High energy fruit was also helping them to build strong immunity system, to fight with infections, protect heart, keep good mood and enjoy life. ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) Testing ORAC is made in order to measure the antioxidant effects of various meals. Rating is extremely high in studies of Acai samples. 100g of fresh Acai Berry contains up to 16 700 ORAC what is up till now the second highest rate from all measured groceries(after maqui berry).








Açai reduces weight and helps to burn fats more effectively and therefore helps to maintain slender and sexy shape!

Acai Berry is the fastest way to lose weight, and because it’s 100% natural, these remarkable health benefits come with zero side effects. Acai Berry diet has turned the diet world upside down. Never before has there been a way to naturally lose weight without heavy dieting nor any draining exercise plans. While many diet pills and overly-complicated diet plans have made these claims before, none of them have been able to live up to their promise.



With weight loss and detoxification properties, losing weight overnight is totally possible. By cleansing your entire body of toxins and digestion inhibitors, you won’t only be ensuring you keep the weight off, but you’ll continue to lose weight for months to come.

Acai contains one of the most antioxidants from all known types of fruits!

Antioxidants -  functioning to protect the body from harmful free radicals. Acai’s purple pigments are a particularly potent source of antioxidants. Free radical damage is thought to be the basis to the aging process and antioxidants help reduce the damage free radicals create in the body.



Acai is a very rich source of insoluble fiber.  Insoluble fiber helps move bulk through the intestines and balance the pH (acidity) in the intestines.  A clean digestive system will absorb nutrients with optimal efficiency. This allows an athlete to get the most out of a given calorie of food consumed.



The essential fatty acids Omega 6,9 help lower “bad cholesterol” (LDL) and maintain healthy HDL levels.  Omega fatty acid is a monounsaturated fat that has been well documented as having enhanced cardiovascular health benefits.



“There’s a miracle berry that can help you live longer and healthier and chances are you’ve never heard of it. It’s called acai and it could help you ward off cancer, protect your heart, even prevent Alzheimer’s disease, according to some research.” – ABC News


 “For those put off by juiced wheat grass and bored with low-carb bars, there is acai. Acai, the purplish fruit of the palmberry plant, contains more antioxidants than red wine and has a beguiling berry-like flavor with intense chocolate overtones.” -The Washington post



Extensive research has shown that the acai berry is one of the most nutrient-rich fruits on the planet, and that it possess many remarkable health benefits.

Target trouble fatty areas!
Increased energy for work and play!
Keep the weight off for good!

Look and Feel Great!
Boost your metabolism!
Improve mental focus!
Lower your cholesterol levels!

Help protect against neurological diseases!



1.ACAI BERRY- the fastest way to lose weight! 100% natural!

ACAI BERRY Supercomplex 60capsules

These capsules are made from acai berries that were organically grown in the Amazonian Rainforest....

Your price: €29.00